This year's Sausalito Public Library documentary series begins with screenings of two films about Sausalito's anchor-out community. Ale Ekstrom's Boat House is a 2013 short made for KQED News by Noam Eshel and Sam Harnett. The film is a moving tribute to the live-aboard who was the community's longest resident until he passed away in 2015.
The Anchor-Outs of Richardson's Bay is a 1989 documentary by Tracey Ruiz that originally aired on the Marin Community Programming Channel. Though made over twenty-five years ago, the film reminds us that the more things have changed on the anchorage over the years, the more they stay the same. A younger Ale Ekstrom also makes an appearance. Eshel, Harnett and Ruiz will be on hand to answer questions after the screenings, and there will be time for members of the audience to share reflections on Ale and the anchor-out community. This program is co-sponsored by the Sausalito Historical Society.