2016 Events — The Sausalito Historical Society

6:30 PM18:30

Sausalito Ferry Tales

  • Lighthouse Grill at Harbor Point (map)
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Sausalito Historical Society invites you to a Fundraiser

 Sausalito Ferry Tales

Sausalito Ferry Crew  SHS Collection

Sausalito Ferry Crew  SHS Collection

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Lighthouse Grill at Harbor Point

475 East Strawberry Drive, Mill Valley

5:30pm - Complimentary Cocktail and Hors d'oeuvres

6:30pm - Three Course dinner with Wines

7:30pm - Guest Speakers

8:15pm - Auction and Raffle Prizes

Annie Sutter, author of   The Old Ferryboats of Sausalito  will present highlights from her book, and Chris Tellis, long-term resident/owner of the City of Seattle aka Yellow Ferry will share his stories about growing up on ferries in Sausalito.



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1:00 PM13:00


Be a History Detective !

Find the answers to clues about Sausalito history.

Have the chance to win prizes and have fun with family, friends & neighbors.


FAMILY TEAMS (with kids)

Click below for Family Tickets

$20 per family group



Click Below for Adult Tickets

$15 per adult

Come with a team or make a team that day

 with others


1:00 Sign in at Sausalito Historical Society

     3rd floor of City Hall at 420 Litho St.

1:30 Treasure Hunt begins!

3:00 All detectives return to City Hall Edgewater Room for refreshments and announcement of prize winners




 (415) 289-4117

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10:00 AM10:00

Awards Ceremonies SHS 2016 Schools Program

June 3, 2016 Awards Ceremonies

Bayside Academy third grade students proudly display their Sausalito Historical Society end- of-year awards for participation in the SHS annual, local history outreach program. Pictured with the students is long-time third grade teacher Jim Scullion and Sausalito Historical Society classroom docents.

Bayside Academy librarian Fran Nelson, third grade teacher Jim Scullion, and Principal Jonette Newton are joined by Sausalito Historical Society docents Vicki Nichols, Nancy Osborn, Jeanne Fidler, Margaret Badger and Susan Frank after attending the end-of-year award ceremony for the students. Docents not pictured are Dana Whitson and Jerry Taylor.

Willow Creek Academy students proudly display their end-of year awards presented to them by the Sausalito Historical Society. The framed award shows a picture of the student and a paragraph by them about their Sausalito history project.

2015 Award Ceremony

2015 Award Ceremony

Join the Sausalito Historical Society at the Awards Ceremonies at Willow Creek and Bayside Schools

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6:30 PM18:30


  • Duggan Hall, Star of the Sea Church (map)
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Mainship 1943SHS Photo

Larry Clinton

Join the Star of the Sea Men's Club as they present noted Sausalito Historian and former president of the Sausalito Historical Society, Larry Clinton for a presentation about Sausalito's contribution to WWII.

The entire parish and other interested parties are invited by the Star of the Sea Men’s Club to Attend.

Wine and hors d'oeuvres will be served. There is no charge to attend the event.

Please join us and RSVP to staroftheseamensclub@gmail.com

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9:30 AM09:30

1943 World War II Sausalito Honor Roll to be Rededicated

Sausalito News, Number 39, 30 September 1943

Sausalito News September 1943

Sausalito News September 1943

A World War II Sausalito Honor Roll dating to 1943 will be rededicated on Saturday, May 21,2016, at 9:30 a.m. at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Bay Model Visitors Center. On November 11, 1943, an Honor Roll of Sausalito men and women serving in the nation’s armed forces during World War II was dedicated in a civic ceremony as Sausalito’s tribute to Armistice Day.

The refurbished Honor Roll, which contains the names of more than 400 individuals, will be unveiled and rededicated in ceremonies at the Bay Model Visitor Center that are free and open to the public. 

The event is co-sponsored by the Sausalito Lions Club and the Sausalito Historical Society.  The Honor Roll will remain on display at the Sausalito Historical Society Marinship display at the Bay Model Visitors Center.  Refreshments will be available.

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6:00 PM18:00

Sausalito Speakeasy 2016

The Rotary Club of Sausalito presents "Sausalito Speakeasy 2016" a benefit for the Sausalito Ice House Plaza, Rotary Eductional Trust and Rotary Senior Housing in Sausalito.

Cocktails, Hot Hors d'oeuvre, Dinner, Live Music, Auction & Raffle $150.00 per person.






Tickets available at www.SausalitoRotaryGala.org 

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7:00 PM19:00

Remembering Evan Connell

Smilin’ Jack in 1985. (aka Evan Connell)  Photo by (photo Susan Gilbert AP)

Join us for a special program dedicated to Sausalito-based author and editor Evan Connell, perhaps best known for two novels considered among the finest of twentieth century American literature, Mrs. Bridge and Mr. Bridge.

As a contributor and later co-editor of Contact Magazine, Connell was a member of the local "Algonquin Circle" of writers and editors who met regularly from the late '50s through the early ’60s at Sausalito's No Name Bar. Sitting at the table reserved for the group by No Name owner Neil Davis, Evan was a commanding though often silent figure in the company of habitual talkers.

The program will feature readings from Connell’s works and reminiscences from his friends, including Bill Kirsch, Rick Seymour and Neil Davis.


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11:00 AM11:00

Walking Tour of Caledonia Street

Walk along Caledonia Street and learn the history of the buildings along these special 5 blocks of Sausalito.   Remember the Eight Ball Bowling Alley, the NWP Freight Depot, Budworth's Store, Jewett's Blacksmith Shop and Gatsby's? Those are just a few of the establishments that dotted the street over the years.

Caledonia Street - Late 1920's

The tour is intended to be self-guided. During the Tour’s two-hour duration, docents from the Society, identified by white sashes emblazoned with “CALEDONIA”, will be stationed on each block of Caledonia. They will be able to tell you more about the history of that particular block, share historic photographs, and answer any questions you may have.

A new exhibit about the History of Caledonia Street is now available at the Society’s office on the top floor of City Hall. The office will be open today from 10:00AM to 1:00PM. Although it is not necessary to start the Tour there, we recommend that you do so in order to take advantage of the larger photos and general overview that the exhibit provides.

The following, showing today’s addresses and occupants, is keyed to the numbered buildings shown on the late 1920’s photo. All of those structures remain today with their

exteriors largely unchanged, more than 85 years later:

1 – #33/#35/#37 – Sausalito Optometry/Caledonia Street Barbers/Café DiVino

2 – #36/#40 – Experience Salon/ Leneski Chiropractor

3 – #46 – Sausalito Market [Perry Building]

4 – #101 – Theater [vacant]

5 – #108 – Offices [Lawrence Building]

6 – #113 – Apartments

7 – Intersection of Turney and Caledonia– all four buildings were in place in the late 1920’s -- #116 (Isabel Allende Foundation [Linsley House]); #117 (Apartments); #200 (Driver’s Market); #201 (Fine Framing & Tyray Jewelers)

8 – #212/ #214/ #218 – L&L Property Management/ Smitty’s Bar/ Sausalito Bright Cleaners

9 – #307/ #309 – Residences

10 – #310/ #314/ #318 – Sausalito Picture Framing/ Rimma’s Hair Design/ Waterstreet Hardware

11 – 420 Litho Street – Sausalito City Hall

Complete PowerPoint Presentation (Images)

Commentary on the PowerPoint Presentation

Caledonia Street List of Buildings




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7:00 PM19:00

The History of Caledonia Street: Golfers, Gangsters and Garages

Join Sausalito resident Mike Moyle for a historical tour down Caledonia Street from the time of the Miwoks. Using historical photos, Mike will highlight some of the major changes to the street and its buildings over the years, as well as some of the characters who have lived and worked there.

Photo from Sausalito Historical Society

Scottish Piper Closed the Presentation Photo By Teddy Hathaway

Remember the Eight Ball Bowling Alley, the NWP Freight Depot, Budworth’s Store, Jewett’s Blacksmith Shop and Gatsby’s, just to name a few of the establishments that dotted the street over the years? All will make an appearance during Mike’s talk.

A reception, free of charge, will follow the lecture at the Society's office on the top floor of City Hall. A new exhibit featuring Caledonia Street History will be on display.

Ron Dunne, Official Historian of The Caledonian Club of San Francisco, presented Society Director Jim Muldoon with the Club's Tartan as a memento of the evening and the Club's pivotal role in the 1868 naming of Caledonia Street.

This presentation will also be in conjunction with a walking tour of Caledonia Street the following day which is being organized by the Sausalito Historical Society.  

Mike Moyle's PowerPoint Presentation

Mike Moyle's Commentary on the Presentation

Caledonia Street List of Buildings

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7:00 PM19:00

Tangled Vines: Greed, Murder, Obsession, and an Arsonist in the Vineyards of California

Save the date, join the Sausalito Historical Society as it proudly presents Frances Dinkelspiel, author, who will talk about her new book Tangled Vines.

On October 12, 2005, a massive fire broke out in the Wines Central wine warehouse in Vallejo, California. Within hours, the flames had destroyed 4.5 million bottles of California's finest wine worth more than $250 million, making it the largest destruction of wine in history. The fire had been deliberately set by a passionate oenophile named Mark Anderson, a skilled con man and thief with storage space at the warehouse who needed to cover his tracks. With a propane torch and a bucket of gasoline-soaked rags, Anderson annihilated entire California vineyard libraries as well as bottles of some of the most sought-after wines in the world. Among the priceless bottles destroyed were 175 bottles of Port and Angelica from one of the oldest vineyards in California made by Frances Dinkelspiel's great-great grandfather, Isaias Hellman, in 1875.
Sadly, Mark Anderson was not the first to harm the industry. The history of the California wine trade, dating back to the 19th Century, is a story of vineyards with dark and bloody pasts, tales of rich men, strangling monopolies, the brutal enslavement of vineyard workers and murder. Five of the wine trade murders were associated with Isaias Hellman's vineyard in Rancho Cucamonga beginning with the killing of John Rains who owned the land at the time. He was shot several times, dragged from a wagon and left off the main road for the coyotes to feed on. In her new book, Frances Dinkelspiel looks beneath the casually elegant veneer of California's wine regions to find the obsession, greed and violence lying in wait. Few people sipping a fine California Cabernet can even guess at the Tangled Vines where its life began.

The evening will include a question and answer session and open comments from the audience from those who knew Mark.


An enjoyable and informative evening:

Photographs from the event courtesy of Steefenie Wicks
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7:00 PM19:00

Phil Frank's Secret Sausalito

The film series comes to an end with a selection of clips that Phil Frank originally created for a series of programs he presented at the Sausalito Woman's Club.

In each of the clips from Phil Frank's Secret Sausalito, Phil takes us on an exploration of one of Sausalito's lesser known historic sites, from the bell tower at Christ Episcopal Church to a prohibition era speakeasy in the Caledonia Street neighborhood.

Mike Cerre will host, with filmmaker Todd Osborn, Phil's original collaborator, on hand to introduce the clips. A reception in the exhibit area of the Sausalito Historical Society will follow. This program is co-sponsored by the Sausalito Historical Society.

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12:00 PM12:00

Come Chill with us at the Ice House!

The Sausalito Historical Society is holding an Open House at the Ice House (at the corner of Bridgeway and Bay Street downtown) on:

We'll be displaying plans for the proposed Ice House Plaza, the new multi-use open space designed for the public to mingle and learn more about Sausalito's rich history. 

The design was created by a panel of Sausalito architects, landscape architects, designers and planners.  The mature Canary Island pines on the site will be pruned to open up views of the bay and native plantings will screen views of the adjoining parking lot.

The plaza will also serve as an outdoor classroom for the acclaimed local history curriculum provided to all third grade classes at the Sausalito Marin City School District.  The students will see native plants used by the Miwok Indians for food and medicine, and search for historic "artifacts" imbedded in the seats and pavement.

The Planning Commission is scheduled to consider these plans at their February 3 meeting.

For further information, please call the Sausalito Historical Society at 415-289-4117.

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7:00 PM19:00

I'm Ink, Therefore I Am... The Wit and Gentle Humor of Phil Frank

The Sausalito Public Library's documentary film series moves to the Sausalito Woman's Club for a special Saturday evening tribute to Phil Frank, the cartoonist, writer and historian who was one of Sausalito's most beloved residents until he passed away at the age of sixty-four in 2007.

The program will feature an exploration of Phil's political cartoons about Sausalito, film clips of Phil talking about his work, and on-stage interviews with some of Phil's friends and colleagues.

This special event is co-sponsored by the Sausalito Woman's Club, the Sausalito Historical Society and the Sausalito Public Library.

To help us gauge attendance, please RSVP to Debra Andelin, debandelin@earthlink.net, or Abbot Chambers, achambers@ci.sausalito.ca.us, (415) 289-4123.

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7:00 PM19:00

Uncle Yanco & Druid Heights

The Sausalito PublicLibrary's documentary series continues with short films that feature two of Sausalito’s most celebrated residents, artist Jean Varda and philosopher Alan Watts. Uncle Yanco is Greek filmmaker Agnes Varda's 1967 film about the life and ideas of her distant relative Jean Varda, who lived on the houseboat Vallejo in Sausalito's “aquatic suburbia.” We’ll be showing the beautiful 2015 remastered version released by the Criterion Collection.

Druid Heights is a new film by Marcy Mendelson that tells the story of Alan Watts’ wilderness retreat on the slopes of Mount Tamalpais. Druid Heights was a wild and wooly place where sex, drugs and philosophy thrived among the eucalyptus trees. Mendelson and scholar Erik Davis, author of The Visionary State, will be on hand to discuss the film and answer questions after the screening. This program is co-sponsored by the Sausalito Historical Society.

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7:00 PM19:00

Ale Ekstrom's Boat House & The Anchor-Outs of Richardson's Bay

This year's Sausalito Public Library documentary series begins with screenings of two films about Sausalito's anchor-out community. Ale Ekstrom's Boat House is a 2013 short made for KQED News by Noam Eshel and Sam Harnett. The film is a moving tribute to the live-aboard who was the community's longest resident until he passed away in 2015.

The Anchor-Outs of Richardson's Bay is a 1989 documentary by Tracey Ruiz that originally aired on the Marin Community Programming Channel. Though made over twenty-five years ago, the film reminds us that the more things have changed on the anchorage over the years, the more they stay the same. A younger Ale Ekstrom also makes an appearance. Eshel, Harnett and Ruiz will be on hand to answer questions after the screenings, and there will be time for members of the audience to share reflections on Ale and the anchor-out community. This program is co-sponsored by the Sausalito Historical Society.

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7:00 PM19:00

Panama-Pacific International Exhibition Presentation

  • Campbell Hall (Christ Episcopal Church) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On December 3, 1915, cannons fired at sunset as the Panama-Pacific International Exposition came to an end. No cannons this night, but we’re commemorating the end of the centennial celebration with the author of the definitive book about the PPIE.

Laura will give us an up-close look at the technological marvels which thrilled the almost 19 million visitors in 1915, like the giant typewriter, the Ford assembly line, and the telephone. Ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous, these exhibits may elicit warm nostalgia, laughter and even a wince or two.

We will sample wonders from many areas of the fair, including the Palace of Food Products, the Palace of Liberal Arts, The Place of Horticulture, and the Joy Zone. We’ll take a ride on the Strauss Aeroscope, visit the Panama Canal in miniature, and walk through a model mine before learning the Secrets of Mental Telepathy. 

Eventbrite - Pan Pacific International Exhibition Presentation

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