The SHS Exhibit Room in Sausalito’s City Hall now features: “The Sausalito That Never Was”.
Of course the still-born Marincello will be a big part of the story, but we’d like to tell you some things that maybe you don’t know about what might have happened here. Scroll below for some examples.
The exhibit opened on September 20, 2018, celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the City of Sausalito in 1893 as part of the monthly Sausalito Chamber of Commerce Mixer Meetings.
Here are some of the things that "Never Were":
A Library on the Bay?
Aaron Green Associates - Project: Sausalito Main Library
Aaron G. Green Associates, Inc.
The unexecuted Main Public Library was located to be located in downtown Sausalito and placed within a dramatic site at the water's edge of Richardson Bay ...
A BART Station on the north side of Sausalito?
1956 BART Masterplan with stations in Marin
A Castle in the Hills
William Randolph Hearst Castle Home in Sausalito by Julia Morgan