June 3, 2016 Awards Ceremonies
Bayside Academy third grade students proudly display their Sausalito Historical Society end- of-year awards for participation in the SHS annual, local history outreach program. Pictured with the students is long-time third grade teacher Jim Scullion and Sausalito Historical Society classroom docents.
Bayside Academy librarian Fran Nelson, third grade teacher Jim Scullion, and Principal Jonette Newton are joined by Sausalito Historical Society docents Vicki Nichols, Nancy Osborn, Jeanne Fidler, Margaret Badger and Susan Frank after attending the end-of-year award ceremony for the students. Docents not pictured are Dana Whitson and Jerry Taylor.
Willow Creek Academy students proudly display their end-of year awards presented to them by the Sausalito Historical Society. The framed award shows a picture of the student and a paragraph by them about their Sausalito history project.
2015 Award Ceremony
Join the Sausalito Historical Society at the Awards Ceremonies at Willow Creek and Bayside Schools