By Billie Anderson
Wonderful Success in Photography
The development of photography during the past 10 years has been something remarkable and in no branch of science have such wonderful results been attained as in this.
The greatest and most brilliant achievements in the field of photography, as well as the most recent, are the sensational pictures of the Sharkey-Jeffries contest for the World Championship. This was the most gigantic photographic proposition ever attempted, and failure meant the loss of thousands and thousands of dollars to those interested in the affair.
To photograph this great battle, artificial light had to be employed. To those of our readers at all familiar with photography, the difficulties and obstacles to be overcome to make the experiment a success can be fully appreciated.
Never before had artificial light been used successfully in such a scheme, and photographic experts all over the country predicted absolute failure on this occasion.
Directly over the ring in the arena of the Coney Island Club, 400 arc electric lights were placed in a solid square, making a total of 800,000 candle power, enough to light an entire city. The great contest lasted for 25 rounds. Each round required nearly 2,000 feet of film. To reproduce the entire battle, the film used is 14 miles in length and requires over two hours of continuous work to run it off.
These wonderful pictures are on exhibit at the new Alhambra Theatre in San Francisco for two weeks, two performances daily. Every incident, every blow and move in the entire contest are shown with remarkable distinctness. Everything is so realistic that spectators become as excited as though they were at an actual ringside. This will be the only place the pictures will be shown in this part of the State.
Use of Vehicles at Night
The Sausalito Trustees have ordained as follows: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any cart, wagon or other vehicle at night time, without having a light affixed on the front center of the body of the vehicle.
Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not exceeding 25 dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 days or by both.
Marin Has New Industry
The Daybreak Rabbitry of Mill Valley, Calif., is in receipt of its first installment of stock. Rabbits were selected from one of the best known breeders in Southern California. A pureblooded, pedigreed rabbit named “Victoria,” along with her fine family of eight, about six weeks old, arrived today. The father of the family is a famous buck.
These bunnies are already almost as big as full-grown wild rabbits and surely are as pretty a sight as one could look at, with their large brown eyes, long straight ears and tiny brown feet. One of the little ones actually allowed himself to be taken up by my little daughter, his long ears being snugly laid down his seal-brown back.
It is our intention at once to add to our stock and even in a short time may have a few of this Yukon-Victoria litter for sale. The rabbits bred on the Livermore place at Waldo Point – the whole county is a natural habitat for such life. We may be able to exhibit some prize winners at the next State Exposition which will be held in San Francisco.
This Date in History: February 1900
Feb. 5: The United States and the United Kingdom sign Panama Canal Treaty
Feb. 14: Russia responds to international pressure to free Finland by tightening imperial control over the country
Feb. 16: First Chinese daily newspaper published
Feb. 22: Hawaii Becomes U.S. Territory
Feb. 8: Ivan Ivanov-Vano Soviet animator/animation director
Feb. 11: Hans-Georg Gadamer, German philosopher