By Larry Clinton, Sausalito Historical Society
Krystal Gambie is a native of the legendary Gates Co-Op enclave at Waldo Point. Her father, the late Charles Michael Haas II, known on the waterfront as Michael Woodstock, was an editor, shop owner and teacher.
Her mother, Penny Berardi, was the Co-Op office manager, and also helped found the clothing store Waldo Works on Gate 5 Road in the 70s. Together, they published the alternative newspaper Garlic Press. Krystal’s first job, at age 12, was working as editor on the dream journal GATES with John Van Daam. Always actively involved in the community, she was on the Co-Op board of directors in her 20's.
After moving to the East Coast several years ago, Krystal has returned to her roots. She is researching a book titled Gone With the Tide — a waterfront history starting in the 1950s. Each chapter will represent a decade through art, photography, and stories, plus tributes to noteworthy figures in order of their arrival at Gate 6.
Inspired by her research, she has opened a shop called Waterfront Wonders at 314 Caledonia Street (next door to Waterstreet Hardware) that features an eclectic mix of jewelry, fashions, and vintage artworks.
For those interested in Sausalito’s bayfront history, Waterfront Wonders offers a step back in time.
Here are examples of some of the nostalgic works you can find there:
Pen and ink prints by brothers James and John Kendall
Photographs and books by houseboat historian Bruce Forrester
Photo prints by Rolling Stone photographer Lawrence White
Anchor out photographer Patrick O'Brien is selling his images for the first time at Krystal’s request
Other photographers include Craig Kolb and Judith Bang-Kolb, Jay Tamang and Scott Hess
Local artist and musician Stephen Ehret’s paintings of local scenes
Paintings created expressly for Waterfront Wonders by ark-dweller Ana Harlow
Recent colored pen and ink scenes by Stevie of Pelican Harbor
Oil paintings of houseboats and mermaids by Tom Gardner, aka MOT
When it comes to local authors, Waterfront Wonders stocks:
Catherine Labate’s photobook, Once Upon the Waterfront
Former Co-Op attorney Charles Bush's novel Houseboat Wars
Long time waterfront resident Jeremy Coon's book of paintings
Susan York’ children’s book Meggie and the Mermaid
Michael Konrad’s book, Life on the Dock, an informal introduction to marine biology
Four books by South 40 Pier resident Guy Biederman
Kym Trippsmith’s novel The Amazon Queen, set on Richardson’s Bay back in the day
Colleen Rae's novel One Sausalito Summer
The shop also carries Krystal’s own nautical and guitar pick jewelry, plus other designs by Jessica Green, Dona Schweiger and Jennie Friedman.
Waterfront Wonders is participating in Sausalito’s Gingerbread House tour beginning December 8, and also sponsors Arts & Crafts Night featuring local artisans on Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. For more information, search for the Waterfront Works group on Facebook.
Krystal (r.) waiting on a customer at Waterfront Wonders