Sausalito Historical Society Newsletter Fall/Winter 2024

Sausalito Historical Society Fall/Winter 2024 Newsletter
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In This Issue


Greetings and welcome to
our Fall/Winter newsletter!

We have been busy this fall. A brief recap of our activities follows, after our President’s Message.

President's Message

Thanks to all who donated to the SHS annual end of the year campaign and to all the SHS Board Members, docents, and volunteers who have spent time, energy and resources promoting Sausalito History. 2025 marks the 50th Anniversary of the founding of The Sausalito Historical Society. I’m thrilled to celebrate this milestone together with a year long series of special events and programs. It is an honor to have you as a part of our amazing community and history.
With gratitude,

Stanford Hughes FAIA

History Talks

Our fourth History Talk was held at Spaulding Wooden Boat Center on September 24. Michael Wiener, SHS Vice-President, spoke about Myron Spaulding, with whom he had worked for 30 years. "Myron Spaulding, the Formative Years" was sponsored jointly by the Sausalito Historical Society and the Spaulding Center and had an excellent turnout.

Myron Spaulding was a legend on the Sausalito waterfront, admired and beloved by many boaters and friends. Michael’s talk focused on Myron’s childhood in Eureka, his early life in San Francisco attending SF Polytechnic High School and his 30-year career as a concert violinist.  Remarkably, this all went on behind the scenes of his well-known career as a successful yacht racer, naval architect, and boat builder.  The talk offered a new context within which to understand the life of this truly unique part of the Sausalito waterfront.

Michael drew heavily on the oral history tapes preserved at the Sausalito Historical Society as well as the extensive archives of the San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center.   We look forward to hearing about the next chapter of this fascinating tale at Michael’s upcoming talk in October, 2025.

Making History Awards

On September 29 we held the Making History Awards, at the Spinnaker. We honored several people who have made a difference in Sausalito and beyond.

Mollies Stones Markets

Mike Stone’s philosophy of life is, “There is no greater need during one’s lifetime than to support our community.” He continues to practice that philosophy every day through his kindness and selfless generosity that has benefitted countless people in our community.
In 1986, he opened the original Mollie Stone’s market in Sausalito. Mollie Stone’s motto “Making a difference in people’s lives through food” is a way of life for Mike through his personal and corporate philanthropy. Mike led the Capital Campaign for the new MarinHealth Hospital and served 33 years on the Sausalito Art Festival Foundation, which awarded $1 million to Sausalito non-profits.

The Pines

Gil Purcell and Roxanne Sheridan Purcell restored the 1888 “The Pines” as an important part of Sausalito’s historical legacy and opened its doors to local and regional non-profit organizations to host elegant fundraising events. Roxanne and Gil’s largesse goes well beyond simply providing a free venue for non-profit charities. For years, they have hosted Radio Sausalito, the online community radio station. Recently awarded special recognition by the California Heritage Council for its restoration and preservation, The Pines is now one of the town’s oldest and most distinctive Restored Victorian homes. Gil and Roxanne purchased the house in 2003 and began a painstaking 8-year restoration following a succession of owners who had demolished or dismantled much of the interior detailing of the house

Sausalito Village & CARSS

In 2014, Betsy Stroman founded Sausalito Village to provide the support that Sausalitans need to age successfully in their own homes. Tricia Smith, a therapist and social worker, moved to Sausalito in 2012 and joined the Board of Sausalito Village. She built on Betsy’s successes by founding the CARSS program that has provided thousands of free rides for Sausalito seniors for errands, medical appointments, and events. Tricia also persuaded the Sausalito City Council to sponsor an age-friendly task force in partnership with the City, Rotary, Lions Club, and faith organizations in order to expand senior services. Today, Tricia Smith has been leading Sausalito Village for over a decade, providing essential services to more than 270 Sausalito seniors annually with a diverse array of programs and activities that keep our seniors mentally enriched, socially engaged and active.

Ramona & Mikayla Mays

Adrian & Annette Brinton
Stanford Hughes & E.V. Gilbreath
Kass Green, Inn Above Tide
Agnes Kaprielian
Larry & Debby Mindel
Jeff Scharosch, Spinnaker Restaurant
Jim Scriba & Debbie Ford-Scriba
Dana & Kent Whitson

Jonathan Westerling, Radio Sausalito
Susan Frank & Sallie Huntting, Co-Chairs
Stanford Hughes, SHS President
Jim Scriba
Pinkie Pomeroy
Roberta Maloy
Sharon Seymour
Michael Wiener

The Stuart Rabinowitsh Trio

Todd Osborn, Venture Media
Marin Made
Chappellet Winery
Emma Frank
Honorees Gil Purcell, Mike Stone, Tricia Smith & Betsy Stroman
Co-Chairs Susan Frank & Sallie Huntting, and MC
Jonathan Westerling
Members of the Host Committee
Historian Carl Nolte and President Stanford Hughes

We thank the following community members and groups who also supported the event

Sausalito Sister Cities
Open Space Sausalito
Sausalito Beautiful
Sausalito Imports
Sausalito Pride
Sausalito Lion’s Club
Sausalito Woman’s Club
WestAmerica Bank 

Elizabeth Kolcun, MarinHealth
Ian Sobieski
Jerry & Laurel Spolter

Terrence & Gail Callan
Susan & Daniel Daniloff
Charles Green & Sheri Cohen
Mary Foust
Mary Ann Griller
Nancy & Jim Osborn
Cheryl Popp & Harry Hughes
Diane Parish & Paul Gelburd
Michael Shiffman
Michael Wiener
Steve Woodside & Lucinda Eubanks
Millie & Ed Zinman
Ann Arnott
Janet & Harry Chapman
Larry & Jane Clinton
Susan Frank
Christopher Gates
Lauren Gertz
Holland Gray
Sallie & Leon Huntting
Wayne Kaleck & Michael Rose
Patricia Lawrence
Alice Merrill
Carolyn Revelle
Morgan & Elizabeth Pierce
Mary Robinson
Sela Seleska
Lewis Shireman
Elliot Stone
Jerry Taylor
Shelby & Peter Van Meter
Ted Van Middle

Looking Ahead

In early October the Board of Directors held a two-session Strategic Planning Meeting.
Board members hard at work at Vice President Michael Wiener’s home.

Halloween Parade

And on October 31, we joined in the Sausalito Halloween festivities by handing out goodies along with other civic groups at the end of the parade route. 
Two illustrious board members hand out Halloween treats

School Docent Program

The School Docent Program had two events this fall meeting with third grade classes at Martin Luther King, Jr. Academy.

Our first event was a classroom visit where docents dressed in period costumes and did role playing as historic characters. 
Averel Wilson as Julia Morgan                   Lauri Flynn as Edith Wood
Vicki Nichols as a
Portuguese Farm Daughter
Jerry Taylor as a Train Engineer 
Laurie Tandy as the Time Traveling Fairy who leads students back and forth in time to study history
The second part was a field trip to downtown Sausalito. Students had a "treasure hunt" to find items in the Ice House Museum and took a guided walk to learn more about the history of our town.
Top: Brit Thurston talking to students
Bottom: Laurie Tandy, Kara Halvorsen and Brit Thurston

Board of Directors 2024–2025

Stanford Hughes, President
Michael Wiener, Vice President
Sharon Seymour, Secretary
Peter Bowes, Treasurer
Roberta Maloy
Nick Roby
John Cox
Lauri Flynn 
Rip Hunter
Alice Merrill
Brit Thurston
Adrian Brinton
Jerry Taylor, President Emeritus
Please consider making a donation to help support the Sausalito Historical Society. Your donations allow us to continue to preserve our history and to educate people about our town's amazing past.
Donate Now!

Written & compiled by Lauri Flynn, and digitized & sent by Adrian Brinton.

Please send any comments to:

Sausalito Historical Society
420 Litho Street
Sausalito CA 94965

Phone: (415) 289-4117

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